Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) - Addressing Negative Thoughts

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) - Addressing Negative Thoughts

CBT is a step-by-step method for identifying your negative thinking and replacing it with healthier thinking.

Cutting Edge eLearning Solutions
Updated Oct 04, 2020

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) changes your inner dialogue. Numerous studies have shown that cognitive behavioral therapy is effective for treating anxiety, depression, addiction, and life’s many challenges.

Cognitive behavioral therapy has been proven to be more effective than other forms of psychotherapy for anxiety and depression.

Cognitive therapy helps to change the wiring of your brain. When you challenge your negative thinking, you create new neural pathways. The more you practice your new way of thinking, the more you strengthen those neural pathways.

CBT is really two forms of therapy: cognitive and behavioral therapy. Behavioral therapy is sometimes used initially with individuals who are too anxious or too depressed to even acknowledge that their thinking is part of the problem.

Behavioral therapy encourages you to try simple tasks, and as you succeed, you gradually improve your belief in yourself. Once you see that you can change your behavior, you may be more willing to change your thinking. In most cases, individuals who are ready to change are encouraged to start directly with cognitive therapy rather than begin with behavioral therapy.