
Search Insights - FY22

A look at Search and Conversions in 2022
Carrie Flanagan, Senior Manager, Content Partnerships

This month we wanted to take a look back at calendar year 2022, and the behaviours of learners with regards to search and conversions.

What are conversions? Conversions are defined as when a search has resulted in a learner enrolling in a course. This is different to a click action, which might show a learner has interacted with the detailed description or preview of one or more search results, but has not continued on to select a learning item (a course) to enrol in.

What does the high level view show us?

Overall conversion rates are at just under 20%. So nearly 1 in every 5 searches undertaken on the Go1 platform results in an enrolment.


Let's drill down by industry

When we apply customer industry against the data we see a broader spread of conversion success.


This view shows much higher rates of conversion in the Accommodation and Food Services & Education and Training industry verticals; with a markedly lower rate of successful conversion for Electricity, Gas, Water and Waste Services and Rental, Hiring and Real Estate Services industries.

The importance of metadata in Search & Discovery

Ensuring content is discoverable to the right learners is critical to ensuring conversion of search to enrolment - the metadata the defines a learning object is critical to this. Alongside ensuring Titles and Descriptions are complete and accurate, other factors will often influence conversions. Are the Learning Outcomes clearly defined? Learners are often looking for clear details on what knowledge they will gain through completing the learning item. Have you included Tags to highlight terms that are connected or related to your content? Especially those that don't naturally appear in the course description - these can ensure learning items still surface during related searches. Does your content all have a listed Duration? Learners can be keen to understand the level of time required of them before selecting a course to enrol in.

Did you know you can now upload updates to the content metadata of multiple learning items through the new Bulk Upload Tool? Check out our Help Article to find out how.

Is there something specific around library-wide consumption metrics you would like us to interrogate in future articles? Reach out to your CPSM or email [email protected] - we'd love to hear your ideas!