Persuasion Basics (Part 1 of 4): The Fundamentals of Persuasion

Persuasion Basics (Part 1 of 4): The Fundamentals of Persuasion

Updated Feb 18, 2019
Welcome to "The Fundamentals of Persuasion" video lesson meant to elucidate what persuasion is -- and what it’s not -- while also showing what prevents people from being persuaded. This lesson is the first of four in the "Persuasion Basics" video course, which teaches learners how to be persuasive in any context with easy-to-use social and conversational techniques. Persuasion is not manipulation. Rather, it is helping people meet their unmet needs and demonstrating how you can add value. This lesson will instill in learners a better understanding of what persuasion is, which will help them be more persuasive when interacting with others.