Presentation Building Block 01: Universal Challenges

Presentation Building Block 01: Universal Challenges

SmartMouth Communications
Updated Sep 19, 2019


This brief course "pokes the bear" and exposes learners to the universal challenges people face when creating a presentation, what causes these challenges, and how to think differently – and better – when making a presentation. Presentations don't need to be tedious and public speaking doesn't need to be dreadful for all involved, but it's up to you to break the mold! Check outSmartMouth'sSpeechBuildertool, which is an added resource in every course. TheSpeechBuilderprompts you to fill in the blanks and create either an outline or a full presentation. It's a paint-by-numbers solution for public speakers!

Course Objectives

  • Raises awareness around the two universal challenges that plague most presentations.
  • Describes the underlying factors that lead to mediocrity in presentations.
  • Addresses the characteristics that make preparation a challenge when presenting.