Chef, part 2 of 6: Chef Client and Ohai

Chef, part 2 of 6: Chef Client and Ohai

LearnNow Online
Updated Mar 13, 2019

Course description

Chef takes the process of software deployment and converts it into code making managing your infrastructure smoother and more efficient. Cookbooks are the fundamental unit of configuration and policy distribution in Chef. This course starts with how cookbooks work and how to build one. Next, it covers how the Chef Client works. Finally, it will take a look at Ohai which is a tool that is used to collect system configuration data, which is provided to the chef-client for use within cookbooks.

Each LearnNowOnline training course is made up of Modules (typically an hour in length). Within each module there are Topics (typically 15-30 minutes each) and Subtopics (typically 2-5 minutes each). There is a Post Exam for each Module that must be passed with a score of 70% or higher to successfully and fully complete the course.

Basic System Administration Remote administration Basic Unix command-line navigation

Robin Beck

Robin has completed two B.A.'s in astronomy and physics and is a Certified Chef Developer. Currently he delivers in-person and virtual trainings in DevOps and produces educational content for online learning spaces. Robin continues delivering world-class trainings on DevOps and Cloud Automation technologies.

Video Runtime

79 Minutes

Time to complete

99 Minutes

Course Outline

Chef Client and Ohai

Cookbooks (37:57)

  • Introduction (00:10)
  • Overview Cookbooks (01:07)
  • Cookbooks (03:30)
  • Cookbook Components (09:32)
  • Using GIT (16:36)
  • Lab: Webserver (06:50)
  • Summary (00:10)

Chef Client (15:21)

  • Introduction (00:10)
  • Overview Chef Client (01:02)
  • Applying Recipes (06:18)
  • Include Recipe (04:02)
  • Lab: Run Chef Client (03:38)
  • Summary (00:10)

Ohai (25:59)

  • Introduction (00:10)
  • Overview Inventory with Ohai (01:26)
  • Node Object (08:41)
  • Node Attributes (10:15)
  • Lab: Node Attributes (05:15)
  • Summary (00:10)