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Advanced Excel 2013 PC

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Folder lesson (960 mins)

Advanced Excel 2013 PC

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Course Description

Microsoft Excel provides a range of advanced functions that greatly extend its capabilities. Powerful analysis forecasting automation and presentation techniques offer wide-ranging business benefits for members of staff that have learnt to harness them.
Our CPD Certified Advanced Excel course will take your staff’s Microsoft Excel abilities to the next level. It demystifies the most complex areas of Excel using written text screenshots and 160 videos.

By the end of the course your team will be proficient in the more complex functions and formulae used in Excel. They'll be able to apply these to their work to deliver more in-depth analyses and become more efficient in their spreadsheeting. The course is available for PC versions 2007 2010 and 2013 and the areas covered include Advanced Range Names Array Formulae Visual Basics and Macros PivotTables and PowerPivots.