
Go1 now has more than 100,000 courses available online!

Scott Cooper

After launching the Course Marketplace in June, the Go1 team have been working to add more and more courses to our library so that you can access the courses that you want, quicker and easier. We opened the marketplace with 25,000 courses covering a wide range of subjects from professional development, to compliance and soft skills.

As if that wasn't enough for you to learn, we have added a stack of new courses to the library once again and now have a total of over 100,000 courses for you to choose from!

The courses that we have in our marketplace aren't just any courses either. All of the content that we provide comes from some of the best learning content providers from across the world, and covers a huge range of topics and industries.

Head of Strategic Partnerships for Go1, Melvyn Lubega says "Go1’s marketplace offers over 100,000 titles from the over 300 authors. It covers topics from compliance through to professional and personal development, and boasts content in over 20 languages."

“We are very excited to be teaming up with leading training organizations globally. Through these partnerships, Go1 will be able to offer an even greater selection of leading e-learning resources to its customers.”

Our content partners include:






In addition to these partnerships, we are also an aggregator of training content with access to courses from the biggest online learning providers such as those shown below, plus many more! You can use our reviews and ratings to compare courses from a range of providers to make sure you are always finding the best course on the topic you wish to learn.

Start learning today with the Go1 Course Marketplace


Go1 helps millions of people in thousands of organizations engage in learning that is relevant, effective and inspiring.
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