
IT Software

IT is one of the fastest-growing industries and navigating the complex world of IT software can be confusing. How are you taking steps to start learning these programs and adapting to industry standards? Go1 offers a wide range of online training materials, suitable for beginners to advanced learners, which covers all your IT Software needs including Excel, Windows, SlideShare, and more.
Featured courses
Microsoft Excel 2019 Beginners
Simon Sez IT
7 hrs 30 mins
Microsoft Excel 365 - Basic
1 hr 30 mins
Microsoft Word 2019 Beginners Course
Simon Sez IT
7 hrs 45 mins
Excel 2019 Beginner
5 hrs 29 mins
Word 2019 Advanced
5 hrs 52 mins
Microsoft 365 - Basics
1 hr 20 mins
Gmail - Basic
1 hr
Online Essentials
4 hrs
IT software courses

Learning new computer software can be a challenge, especially for employees who have little experience with IT software. While many have used certain programs for many years, some may not be familiar with common (and not so common) software used by your business.

This is why IT software courses are so important, and are a great way to teach the fundamentals to inexperienced professionals. Some programs can be difficult and confusing, or have a steep learning curve, which means it may not be possible for employees to pick up what they need from colleagues.

Even employees who have been using software for many years will benefit from computer software courses. As well as introductory courses, intermediate and advanced courses teach shortcuts, new techniques, new tools, improved processes, and help employees identify errors and make improvements to their ways of working.

Why it's important employees learn IT software

Many employees have used a variety of IT programs, whether it’s in previous roles, at school, or home. However, while employees may be used to the basics of the software they use, they may not be familiar with more advanced tools and features. Some employees - such as those with no previous IT experience - may even lack basic skills, which software courses can help with.

It’s important that employees know how to operate software for many reasons, such as:

  • Fully trained employees require less support and supervision
  • By understanding all the tools and features of the software, employees are far more productive and work much more efficiently
  • Full training allows employees to work more independently, which also increases their accountability
  • Training enables employees to feel more comfortable and confident in their roles
  • Training sets the standard for what employees are expected to know as part of their responsibilities
  • Offering training not only allows employees to perform their duties, but promotes growth and development and a culture of learning

How to learn a new system

There are several ways employees can learn a new system, with varied success depending on the time and resources available to you.

1. Free online resources and tutorials

Blogs and YouTube content can be a useful go-to for solving a one-off question, but learning software this way can be challenging. They don’t consider a user's prior knowledge or experience, and they can quickly become outdated as software updates and evolves.

2. Manuals and official sites

Software providers may have official user manuals, tutorials on their website, or materials provided upon installation. These tutorials will often not go into the same level of detail as other IT software training, however, they will likely offer handy quick reference guides and FAQs.

3. In-house training

In-house sessions, such as one-on-one training, can be effective, however, they can be exceptionally time-consuming and take employees away from their daily duties.

4. E-learning

E-learning offers employees the chance to learn independently in their own time, and is highly cost-effective for businesses. E-learning material is produced by industry experts and includes up-to-date, easily accessible material. Online software courses offer the best way to learn in a busy business environment.

IT software that benefits from employee training

Bespoke software isn’t the only type of software that employees would benefit from being trained on. There’s a wide range of programs that - both complex and not - employees would be more confident and comfortable using should they take IT software courses.

For example, many employees learn Microsoft Office via trial and error. While Word and Outlook are relatively simple to use, both have advanced features that can only be learned via IT software training. However, Excel can be incredibly complex - but it’s this functionality that makes it one of the most widely used programs in business. Employees can teach one another specific tools or formulas, but IT software courses can teach employees not only how to use these, but why and when to use them. Training gives employees a deeper understanding of the software they use and increases their confidence.

Examples of software that employees would benefit from receiving training on include:

  • Microsoft Office - e.g. Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Outlook
  • CRM - e.g. Salesforce, HubSpot, Oracle, Microsoft Dynamics
  • Communication - e.g. Slack, Microsoft 365, Zoom
  • Task Management - e.g. Asana, Monday.com
  • Accounts - e.g. Xero, Quickbooks
  • Payroll - e.g. Sage
  • Website - e.g. Wix, Squarespace, WordPress

Online training is also a great way to learn industry-specific software, such as those used for computer aided design.

How to learn IT software

One of the most effective ways to learn is by taking online IT training. Online courses use a variety of teaching methods to ensure what employees learn is retained. It can be difficult to put into practice what is learned when being shown a program by a colleague, and e-learning allows students to use software as they follow the material.

Why e-learning is the best way to learn IT software

While videos, manuals, and one-on-one training can be effective at teaching IT software, they’re not as effective as e-learning. This is because e-learning teaches employees best practices, and encourages them to use the software for themselves.

As we’ve already highlighted, Microsoft Excel can be tricky, and very few employees will grasp complex formulas and tools by simply watching somebody else do them. To learn Excel, students need to get hands-on experience, which online IT training encourages.

E-learning is the best way to teach employees new skills without taking up valuable time. Online software courses can be undertaken anytime and anywhere, for as long as the student has available. That means learning can be done during quiet periods or periods of downtime, so doesn’t affect their day-to-day responsibilities.

Another benefit to online courses is that course materials are already available, which means they can be accessed immediately, by any number of employees. This makes e-learning a more cost-effective option for businesses with a focus on development.

IT software courses for beginners

There’s a wide range of courses available, with IT software courses for beginners focusing on the fundamentals. These courses are a great introduction to specific pieces of software, and are even accessible to those with little prior IT experience.

Great beginners courses include:

Software courses for industry professionals

Industry professionals can also effectively learn software via e-learning, such as CAD courses and software engineering courses.

Industry-specific training courses include:

Learn IT software online today

E-learning is a convenient and cost-effective way to learn software. Go1 has a wide range of online software courses available to start right now - for more information, schedule a demo with our team today.

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