
Data & Analytics

Data & analytics knowledge is essential for every business to allow them to have a deep understanding of how their business is currently performing to help them predict future trends and develop effective strategies. Go1 brings together a wide range of online training materials covering all aspects of Data & Analytics such as data interpretation and Python software tutorials.
Data analytics courses

Data analytics is a complex and intricate field that requires a lot of patience and dedication to master. In fact, as there are so many developments within the industry, the constant changes mean professionals are always playing catch-up.

However, that’s not to say it’s impossible to ensure employees remain up-to-date with skills and knowledge. Online courses in data analytics provide employees with new information, as well as refresher training. Whether employees take long or short courses in data analysis, it helps them to stay at the top of their field.

Why it's important to stay current in data analytics

There are advancements and changes to the data science industry on a seemingly weekly basis. That means, if you don’t stay current, you’re destined to become out-of-date and fall behind your peers and competitors.

To stay current, many professionals will use a combination of the following:

  • Industry conferences
  • Industry blogs and newsletters
  • Published research papers
  • Social media

While the above are certainly great ways of getting new information, there are, of course, disadvantages. Conferences can be expensive to attend and take time away from working, publication of research papers can be sporadic, and there are sometimes questions raised surrounding the validity of news shared on social media - however, this doesn’t apply to reputable and verified organizations.

Another useful and convenient way to stay current is by taking data analytics courses. By undertaking regular data analytics training it enables employees to receive the latest industry training from leading industry names.

Why study data analytics?

As well as staying on top of an ever-changing industry, there are several reasons why you should consider studying data analytics.

Impact your business strategy

Regardless of the size of your business, data analytics will have a huge impact and influence strategy and goals.

Reduce costs

There’s a huge increase in the need for analysts as more businesses understand the importance of data analytics, and recruitment is an expensive process. By upskilling employees and offering them the opportunity to learn through data and analytics courses, it will reduce the need to recruit. 

And, of course, by utilizing data analytics your business will be able to make better, more informed decisions.

Aid supply chain management

Data analytics is vital for solid supply chain management. It helps streamline the process, which can greatly reduce expenses and maximize customer value.

Mitigate risk

Data analytics allows businesses to get a solid understanding of potential risks and how they’re able to take preventive action.

Improve security

Businesses can utilize data analytics to improve their security and prevent data or security threats, by identifying weaknesses and providing actionable solutions.

Create a personalized customer experience

Data analytics can create a personalized customer experience that provides them with the experience they need when they need it. The data can also be used to create highly effective advertising campaigns that reach exactly the right customer.

Online data analytics courses provide the perfect opportunity to introduce, retrain, upskill, or develop employees to get a better understanding of all things data and benefit your business.

Why data analytics courses will help your employees

Not only does training help businesses, but it benefits employees in a number of ways..

Improve confidence working with data

Those new to working with data will find courses for data analytics incredibly useful at boosting their confidence as they learn more about processes and procedures. But as well as beginners, those with a background in data science will also benefit from upskilling and refresher training, to ensure they remain current and to help them become leaders in their field.

Work faster and make better decisions

By understanding data, your employees will be in a much better position to make informed decisions in a shorter amount of time.

Help career progression

The more that businesses rely on data, the more data is going to play a part in career progression. Upskilling current employees puts them in the best position possible to climb the career ladder.

Employees in relevant positions should be encouraged to study data analysis as a way to benefit both themselves and the company.

How to get into data analysis

For those keen to get into the industry, there are plenty of data analysis courses available online. A basic course will cover all the fundamentals, such as:

  • Data sourcing
  • Coding
  • Mathematics
  • Statistics

If you’re interested in a career in data analytics, you likely already have an interest in statistics, math, problem-solving or computer science. You should consider learning the relevant skills and knowledge needed to move into the industry, with many great data analytics courses available online.

How to start learning data analysis

Those looking to start learning data analysis should first consider taking online courses. Getting started in data analytics can be tricky, but beginners’ courses will allow students to get a solid understanding of what to expect.

As students progress, they can begin to learn more advanced analytics. A major advantage of learning online is the freedom to do so as and when it suits the student, whether it’s in a short amount of time, or spreading studying out over several months.

What to learn in data analytics

There are several skills that are imperative to learn, including:

SQL - aka Structured Query Language - this is the industry-wide database language, and the single most important skill for an analyst to learn.

Microsoft Excel - many employees are familiar with Excel. But it’s capable of much more than the average user realizes, which is why it makes for a great tool for data analysis.

Critical thinking - in order to use data in an effective way to aid strategy and decision-making you’ll need critical thinking skills.

Data visualization - transforming data into a visual form that others can make sense of is imperative, so turning data into charts and graphs is a key skill to learn.

Machine learning - not all analysts use machine learning, but a solid understanding of it is recommended in order to keep up with industry trends.

R and Python - both are languages used in advanced data analysis, and both are widely used throughout the industry.

The best way to learn data analytics

The most convenient, cost-effective, and arguably best way to learn is via online training. An online course can teach students everything from an introduction to data analytics to big data analytics.

Online learning can be done alongside an employee’s day-to-day responsibilities and doesn’t require time away from their role. Learning can be done during periods of downtime or other times when it’s convenient.

Online learning is also cost-effective, and simpler to organize for both individuals and teams, as they’re not required to learn synchronously.

What to expect from a data analytics course

Depending on your level of experience in data science, and therefore the level of analytics course you take, there will be variations. However, here’s an overview of what to expect from a course:

Training for beginners will cover:

  • Types of data
  • Data visualization
  • Methodologies
  • Data science
  • Machine learning
  • Decision making
  • Data analytics in different sectors
  • Analytics adoption frameworks
  • Trends

Students will learn processes for the following:

  • Data cleaning
  • Data wrangling
  • Manipulating data
  • Analyzing and interpreting data
  • Presenting data

Of course, more intermediate or advanced training is likely to go in-depth into specific topics, such as Data Analytics using Power BI or Hands-On Data Analytics with R.

Who can do a data analytics course?

Anyone is capable of undertaking an analytics certification course, but selecting your course is dependent on your current level of experience.

Those with an existing interest in data science and statistics will likely take to data analytics with enthusiasm. However, it’s recommended that with no prior training an introductory course is considered.


To learn data analytics do you need to be knowledgeable about software engineering?

Pre-existing knowledge of software engineering can certainly help while undertaking data analytics training, as coding is part of the process. However, it isn’t a necessity. The more you learn, the more you’ll become comfortable with coding and programming.

Is it easy to take a data analytics course online while working?

While it isn’t easy, it is certainly possible to learn while working. Online courses are designed to be accessible to those who have full-time jobs, meaning they can be done during periods of downtime, or even during evenings and weekends if the student is particularly enthusiastic.

Depending on the course, they can be completed in as little as just a few hours and are completely self-directed.

How to learn data analysis online today

For more information on online data analytics courses in the US, the UK and beyond, check out Go1 and book a demo today.

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