
Computer Science and Engineering

Both computer science and computer engineering are complex topics that require years of training and experience. Only then can employees be productive, effective, and confident in their roles. However, it’s also essential that training doesn’t stop - after all, computer science and engineering are fast-moving industries, meaning changes are happening all the time. Without regular refresher training and training to develop and upskill, your employees risk having outdated knowledge or lacking in skills that your competitors hold.
Computer Science and Engineering Courses

Computer engineering vs computer science

While computer engineering and computer science have many similarities, there are a number of differences between the two. So, while employees may be proficient and confident in one, they may not be in the other.

Computer engineering is hands-on, so is a practical way of working with computers. It involves working directly with hardware and software, including programming languages such as Python or JavaScript, as well as computer architecture and AI.

However, computer science is closely linked to mathematics and involves the study of computers, including data analysis, theory, and algorithms. Those who work in computer science will also have a knowledge of programming languages and computer software development.

What skills do you need to be a computer engineer?

There are a number of different types of computer engineering, so depending on the area of expertise employees should look to develop skills surrounding:

  • Programming languages
  • Networks
  • Hardware
  • Computer architecture
  • Robotics
  • Signal processing
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Security
  • Embedded systems
  • Distributed computing
  • Graphics and visualization

What skills do you need to work in computer science?

Similarly, there are also different types of computer science, so depending on their specialization employees will want to develop their knowledge in:

  • Machine learning
  • Data science
  • Web development
  • Software development
  • Programming
  • Algorithms
  • Mathematics such as algebra and calculus
  • Analytics
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Cloud computing
  • Computer graphics
  • Human-Computer Interaction

There are also a number of soft skills that are important for computer engineers and computer scientists to consistently look to develop, as it makes them better, well-rounded employees. These skills include:

  • Problem solving
  • Communication
  • Organization
  • Teamwork
  • Attention to detail
  • Creativity
  • Critical thinking
  • Analytical thinking

These are all skills that can be developed to complement the hard skills employees need to work in these industries.

Why are computer science and engineering training courses important?

As we’ve already highlighted, ensuring your employees receive regular training is vital to your business. Without training, your employees risk using outdated software, processes, and information. As a result, your business won’t be equipped to deliver the best results and this will put you behind your competitors.

Computer science and computer engineering are both industries that evolve rapidly. What was best practice yesterday may not be best practice tomorrow. As such, training your employees gives them all the in-depth knowledge they need to be proactive, productive, and efficient. Courses in computer science are a flexible and cost-effective way to help make this happen.

What skills are learned in training courses?

Computer engineering and computer science courses cover a wide variety of topics, from critical hard skills to more general soft skills. Key skills that should be prioritized are those that directly affect how an employee can perform in these roles, with other learning done to support these.

Focusing on math, technical knowledge, and industry knowledge should be a priority, as well as developing attention to detail, critical analysis, and organizational skills.

How training benefits your business 

Developing a learning culture has multiple benefits to your business that ensures you’re able to consistently deliver quality work on time - which of course allows your business to make money.

  • Retain employees - when employees receive regular training they’re more likely to stay at your organization. This allows your business to hold on to top industry talent.
  • Promote over recruit - upskilling and promoting current employees is cheaper than recruiting.
  • Build a learning culture - when you create a culture focused on learning it establishes your business as an employer that values its employees.
  • Deliver better work - by learning, your employees will be more productive and efficient, allowing them to produce quality work.

How training benefits your employees

As well as having a number of benefits to your business, computer engineering and computer science training will of course also benefit your employees themselves.

  • Feel valued - being offered training shows employees that you care about their development, which helps them to feel more valued.
  • Improves confidence - in-depth computer science and computer engineering skills are needed to work in these roles, and regular training helps employees to work confidently.
  • Progress careers - training and upskilling provide employees with everything they need to progress through their careers in your organization.
  • Better teamwork - with improved soft skills such as teamwork, organization, and communication your employees can work better together to produce higher-quality work.

Who can take computer science and engineering courses?

It’s possible for employees of any level to take and learn from a computer engineering or computer science course. However, those with an interest in these fields, such as current employees, will get the most out of a course.

Those new to the industry or those interested in pursuing a career will want to take beginner or entry-level courses, while those with experience will want to refresh and upskill with intermediate or advanced courses.

Where can employees learn computer science and engineering?

There are several ways employees can develop their skills and knowledge in both areas. These are:

  • In-person training courses - a great way to learn from industry experts, however, in-person training can be time-consuming and expensive.
  • Videos, books, and blogs - useful and cost-effective tools that can quickly become outdated.
  • eLearning - online courses can be accessed anywhere at any time and are budget-friendly.

The benefits of eLearning courses

We’ve already covered the advantages training has to your business and your employees, but eLearning has additional benefits over other types of training.

  • Cost-effective - because eLearning materials have already been produced, they’re one of the most cost-effective ways to learn. Training can also be affordably scaled whether training needs to be accessed by one employee or a hundred.
  • Flexible - training materials can be accessed at any time and on any device, so learning can be done as and when employees have availability.
  • Self-directed - learning doesn’t interrupt daily responsibilities, and can be picked up as and when needed. That means it doesn’t create additional stress.
  • Monitor progress - if your business uses a content management system you can track how employees engage with training. This can help ensure compulsory training is completed and identify which employees may need support.

The best eLearning courses for your teams

Some great computer engineering and computer science courses to get you started include:

How long does an eLearning course take to complete?

The length of time it takes to complete an eLearning course depends on the course itself. The complexity of the topic and the amount of in-depth information that has to be learned will affect the amount of time it takes.

As we’ve already highlighted, one of the benefits of eLearning is that it’s completely self-directed and flexible. That means even courses that take longer to complete can be picked up and put down as and when an employee has the time to learn. Even with as little as 30 minutes of time for learning per week, a two-hour course will take just a month to complete.

For example, Machine Learning 101 with Sklearn and Stats Models will take approximately eight hours to complete, whereas Programming for Absolute Beginners takes considerably less due to the lower levels of complexity involved.

Upskill your employees now with eLearning courses from Go1 

Here at Go1 we have a wide range of courses to train and upskill your employees which can be accessed right now. For more information on how Go1 can help your organization with its learning and development strategy, schedule a demo with our team today.

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