Map Team Skills: Insights for L&D Professionals

This playlist is a comprehensive guide to operationalizing business strategies and developing organizational strategies through the upskilling imperative.

Learn how to create a competency model that meets your business needs, conduct effective training needs assessments, and collect qualitative data to inform your learning and development initiatives. Utilize data analytics for better results, master the art of drawing conclusions through the five whys, and assess your employees' learning skills with the Dreyfus Model. Manage performance effectively and discover the best methods for developing your people.

This playlist is curated for Global audiences. It highlights a diversity of courses from Content Partners which will provide learners with a valuable introduction to the topic areas covered. It is meant to serve as an initial introduction to a variety of learning experiences on this topic, not as a prescribed curriculum.

Level = Beginner / All.

Curious to learn more? Explore this related playlist:

  • Launch a Learning Initiative: Implementing Change for L&D Professionals
  • Keep on Learning: Skills Development for L&D Professionals

This playlist was updated in November 2023.

Updated 1, Nov, 2023

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You're busy, and we want to help. That’s why we line you up with your very own Customer Success Manager to enable you to get the most out of the Content Hub. Enable and support you to curate content your learners will love Empower you to create learning initiative to get your people excited about relevant topics Advise and support you to deliver your L&D strategy