
Mental Health eLearning for Small Business Advisers 

Fri 30th Oct 2020
In this webinar, we are joined by Beyond Blue's Workplace Engagement Manager, Linda Sheahan and Beyond Blue volunteer Tim Hoopmann. Together they discuss what challenges small business are facing right now and how we can support small business owners. They also explore the role intermediaries, like accountants and advisors, have and how they can make best use of these new resources to better support small businesses.
Mikaela Gladden, Content Writer

Small businesses make up more than 97% of businesses in Australia. However, many were struggling to survive even before the current crisis.

Research reveals just how much Australian small and medium businesses are really being impacted by COVID-19:

  • 63% of small businesses report being negatively impacted by COVID-19
  • 12% say they are considering cutting costs through staff layoffs
  • 49% report maintaining adequate cash flow as a concern
  • 37% saying working out how long they can remain viable is a major concern
  • 32% report the health of their employees as a concern
  • 21% are concerned about ensuring their staff have work
  • Nine out of ten businesses say they are concerned for their business in the next 4-6 months

With small businesses amongst the hardest hit by the effects of the pandemic, many business owners have been left wondering how they can navigate this new world order.

To alleviate some of the pressure felt during these uncertain times, Go1 is excited to launch key resources created by Beyond Blue and Xero. Available for free, these resources aim to help you support small businesses and those working with them.

Learn about this and much more in this webinar, where we are joined by Beyond Blue's Workplace Engagement Manager, Linda Sheahan and Beyond Blue volunteer Tim Hoopmann. Together they discussed what challenges small business are facing right now and how we can support small business owners. They also explored the role intermediaries, like accountants and advisors, have and how they can make best use of these new resources to better support small businesses.

Catch-up in the recording below:

About the speakers

Linda Sheahan


Linda is a Workplace Engagement Manager at Beyond Blue. As a part of Beyond Blue’s Workplace Program, Linda engages with Australian workplaces, regulators, government, NGOs, industry groups and others, to help build more mentally healthy workplaces.

Linda has tertiary qualifications in Law and a masters degree in social science. Before joining Beyond Blue, she gained over ten years of experience in workplace rehabilitation and consultancy. Her specialisations include role design, recovery at work, building thriving workplaces and stakeholder relationships. 

Tim Hoopmann


Tim is a volunteer speaker for Beyond Blue, a national organisation that works to raise awareness about anxiety and depression, reduce the associated stigma and encourage people to get help. He became a Beyond Blue speaker because as a small business owner he struggled with anxiety and depression. He learnt ways to manage this and wants to share his stories of hope. Also, being brave enough to come out, he wants to help others struggling in similar situations.

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