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Help your healthcare team hit their mandatory training and CPD requirements

Anita Whitelum

Anita Whitelum, National Manager of HealthStaff Ed, shares her insights on the benefits of using online CPD training for healthcare staff.  

Healthcare provider learning programs are about delivering education that contributes to safe, quality care that is consistent, and within a framework that is transparent and effective. 

The demand to give greater access to quality Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is ever-increasing and providers are looking to solutions that will complement their internal program. 


This is where eLearning comes in. Like most technologies, eLearning has come a long way in the past decade. Most eLearning has moved on from uploading word documents to the internet – we have the means to create interactive, engaging, learner focussed material that can open up thousands of opportunities to teach – and for an individual to learn. And it’s now universally accepted that people learn in different ways and via a variety of mediums.

Blending your learning strategy to include online CPD has a number of great benefits:

  • It allows your education team to focus on the training that is highly individualised to your facility.
  • It’s highly cost-effective, providing a great return on investment.
  • It provides access 24/7 meaning shift workers never miss out.
  • It’s a highly effective way of delivering a large portion of mandatory training.
  • It gives people ownership over their training and keeps them constantly engaged.  

We’ve put together 5 suggestions for packages that will assist in meeting mandatory learning needs as well as provide great opportunities to your people to consolidate and advance their knowledge. 

Infection control

Hand hygiene (CPD: 1.5 hour)

Personal protective equipment (CPD: 1 hour)

Managing blood and body fluid spills (CPD: 2 hours)

Reducing injuries from sharps (CPD: 1.5 hours)

Aseptic technique (CPD: 2 hours)

Violence in the healthcare workplace

Predicting, preventing, and managing violence (CPD: 2.5 hours)

Managing acute severe behavioural disturbances (CPD: 2 hours)

Post violent incident response (CPD: 1.5 hours)

Safety and quality in healthcare

Communicating for safety: Effective clinical handover (CPD: 2.5 hours)

Recognising and responding to acute deterioration in adult patients (CPD: 2.5 hours)

Falls prevention in older adults (CPD: 3 hours)

Pressure injury and ulcers - Prevention and early identification of skin damage (CPD: 2.3 hours)

Pressure injury and ulcers - Staging and treatment (CPD: 2.75 hours)

Providing a safe environment for children and young people

Working with children: Identifying and responding to vulnerable children (CPD: 3 hours)

Working with vulnerable children: Mandatory reporting (jurisdictional based) (CPD: 1 hour)

Vulnerable young people and the age of consent (CPD: 1.75 hours)

Caring for older people

Identifying and responding to elder abuse (CPD: 3.2 hours)

Elder abuse - Reporting elder abuse in aged care (CPD: 1.25 hours)

In short, the need for healthcare providers to give access to quality CPD is only going to grow and getting on the front foot with a strategy that blends online CPD with your in house program is a win/win - for your people, they get the best of both worlds - and for you - you get to focus your attention on the really important facility-based training and leave the rest to a quality online provider. 

Setting the benchmark for online CPD in Australia, HealthStaffEd provides the best in current, relevant, interactive learning providing knowledge where and when it's needed.

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