
Go1 content partner case study: Vado

Scott Cooper

For Go1, being able to provide our users with the highest quality training content available is a priority, so ensure that we are partnering with the best content creators in the world is critical. In 2017 we were proud to announce that Vado would be joining us a a content partner, contributing over 350+ courses to our Go1 Premium subscription.

Vado provides organizations and learners numerous opportunities to build the skills needed to lead and manage others, strengthen individual performance, as well as increase business results. With a focus on micro-learning content, video and mobile optimization, Vado content is designed to make it easy to learn when you are on the move, and have limited time available.

With an extraordinary team of professionals contributing to the development experience, Vado content is a step above their competitors, and with best-selling authors, trainers, and experts in a variety of fields, Vado content is able to provide learners with an in-depth course catalog filled with best practices and techniques guaranteed to improve individual, team and business performance.

With 16+ years of HR, Training and Development, and leadership experience, Vado cofounder Cindy Pascale said that making the decision to join Go1 as a Content Partner was an easy decision, and getting everything set up was a smooth process.

“We thought getting our content onto the Go1 Platform was really simple because the Go1 team helped us throughout the process. We gave them our course information, and all the heavy lifting was done for us!”

Since being a part of Go1 Premium, Vado receives revenue monthly based on how many users are interacting with their content, and although it’s only been a short time since signing as a Content Partner, Cindy says that the support that Go1 has given them to build their brand, and be exposed to a wider audience through the Go1 Marketplace has been invaluable.

“In the time that we have been part of Go1 Premium, The Go1 team have provided us with several opportunities to build our brand and reach more people.” Cindy continues, “We have authored a guest blog post – which was shared with a worldwide audience! We also had the chance to run a Subject Matter Expert Webinar – in conjunction with one of our authors, and are already working on the next one where we will be delivering a webinar for Go1 clients and prospects.”

Click here to read Cindy’s article on learning retention


By being a part of Go1 Premium, creating high quality and engaging content means that you will attract more usage of your content and revenue. Cindy says that she’s been impressed with how well Vado has been performing with Go1 customers to date.

“Our relationship with Go1 is fairly new and give the newness of our relationship, Vado’s course usage has exceeded our expectations.”

For Vado, making the decision to join Go1 as a Content Partner is already starting to pay off, and when asked if she things that other content providers should also become Content Parters Cindy says “Yes! It is an additional revenue stream and opportunity to promote our courses to a worldwide audience."


Watch the recap of our webinar with Vado content creator and subject matter expert Kevin Eikenberry



Go1 helps millions of people in thousands of organizations engage in learning that is relevant, effective and inspiring.
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