Software Testing Foundations: Test Planning, Management, and Tool Support

Software Testing Foundations: Test Planning, Management, and Tool Support

Updated Mar 19, 2018
Software testing can become very complex, with many layers of testing and testers involved. In this course, you'll learn about test organization, planning, and management, including risk management and risk-based testing. You'll also learn how testing activities can be supported by tools, and you'll learn about the considerations for using tools in your organization. This course is one of a series intended to align with the Certified Tester Foundations Level Syllabus (the 'Syllabus'). The authors, Thomas Muller (chair) and Debra Friedenberg and the International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB®) are the source and copyright owners of the Syllabus. The course is intended to help learners prepare for the Foundation Certificate in Software Testing exam (BH0-010), which is provided by the Information Systems Examination Board (ISEB), a globally-recognized testing body providing software testing certification. SkillSoft makes no claim to any approval or endorsement of this course by any of the aforementioned parties or other third party.