Soft Skills Training for Engineers

Soft Skills Training for Engineers

Cutting Edge eLearning Solutions
Updated Aug 31, 2020

“It is not the strongest or most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change.” – Charles Darwin

Technical skills alone are insufficient for engineering professional engineers’ career success. ‘Soft skills’ play a very important role in differentiating engineers during employment and during career development.

 The fact that the second skill set, that is, the soft skills along with the hard skills are an absolute essential for growth of an engineer in the organization. A blend of both is what determines your level of success as a professional.

Soft Skills are what are termed as people skills or interpersonal skills. These determine an engineers attitude towards his work, organization, clients and colleagues.

Soft skills are not just limited to the workplace of a professional but extends to other spheres of his life too for example social and family.

Soft skills is not just about communicating, but includes ability to manage stress, ability to organize, ability to provide solutions.

Most of the times the importance of soft skills is ignored and not given adequate attention for engineers. The education that goes in to make an engineer does not concentrate on the people skills. The curriculum tends to ignore the fact that at the and of the day an engineer would be working in a team, reporting to someone, taking reports, dealing with work pressures, giving presentations, attending phone calls, sending mails just to specify a few.

In all such situations along with technical skills, experience and physiological maturity of an individual is going to play an important role.