
Personal Power: Recognizing Basic Human Needs

Learn the basic concepts of human needs and the importance of meeting your needs.

Audio English
Folder lesson (5 mins)

Personal Power: Recognizing Basic Human Needs

Learn the basic concepts of human needs and the importance of meeting your needs.

What you'll learn

The Certificate in Personal Power: Recognizing Basic Human Needs Course will teach you:
check-circle Being aware of your basic human needs allows you to fulfill them and reduce related anxiety check-circle Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs includes self-actualizing, esteem, social, security, and physiological check-circle Investigate your own basic human needs and discuss with a friend to discover how they differ

Course Description

Uneasy feelings like distraction, agitation, and anxiety can be signs that one of your basic human needs isn't being met. There are physiological needs like hunger that can inhibit your ability to focus, security and social needs like safety and belonging, and higher-level needs that you might not even recognize as basic human needs. These include accomplishment, creativity, independence, and freedom.