MBA in a Box: Business Lessons from a CEO

MBA in a Box: Business Lessons from a CEO

The MBA in a Box course covers four of the most common classes taught at top business schools around the world, including Harvard, Wharton, and INSEAD. You will learn how successful businesses function and discover techniques you can employ to make your own company successful. By taking this course you will develop your critical thinking and build a solid theoretical base for a successful career in business.

365 Careers
Updated Aug 01, 2019

Course Overview

MBA in a box is a collection of the four courses that are most frequently taught to MBA students. We have carried out extensive research and explored the curriculums of the most successful MBA programs around the world including Harvard Business School, Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, INSEAD, Booth School of Business, London Business School and others. This is the reason the following modules have been included in this program:

  • Business Strategy
  • Management and HR Management
  • Marketing Communications and Marketing Management  
  • Decision Making, Persuasion, and Negotiation

Target Audience

  • Business executives
  • Ambitious managers
  • People who want a successful career in Business
  • Aspiring entrepreneurs
  • Start-up founders

Learning Objectives

  • Acquire the same business acumen as MBA graduates
  • How to start a company from scratch
  • Understand how a business functions and what makes a company successful
  • Get promoted and be ready for a managerial role
  • Transition into a career requiring solid business knowledge
  • Be able to perform an industry analysis

Business Outcomes

  • Develop strategic thinking
  • Build a solid theoretical foundation