Knit Maker 201: Socks

Knit Maker 201: Socks

Updated Mar 15, 2019

As your knitting ambitions begin to outpace your technical know-how, you’ll find that learning advanced techniques from a book can be both challenging and boring. It can be difficult to turn intermediate patterns from flat diagrams and instructions into a garment you’ll treasure.

Master crafter Vickie Howell will help you visualize and create a pair of socks in this fun, informative class. Join us, and you’ll learn:

  • How to knit a sock from start to finish
  • Tricks for creating the heel of a sock
  • How to graft the toe using kitchener stitch
It can be hard to set aside time for your creative outlet, and even harder to put time and energy into doing the research and legwork to advance your skills. Vickie Howell turns this formula on its head. Your craft should be your inspiration, and learning new techniques should be fun, attainable, and energizing.