Intro to Blockchain

Intro to Blockchain

FinTech School
Updated Oct 03, 2019

Course Overview

Learn how did blockchain technology started, how did it evolve, how does it work, the major names of people and companies associated with blockchain, industry advanatges and trends.

Target Audience

Bankers, finance professionals, engineers, accountants, lawyers, consultants, educators, HR personnel, corporate innovators, students from all backgrounds, career switchers, entrepreneurs.

Learning Outcomes

This course will provide you with knowledge about:

  • What is blockchain technology
  • How does it work
  • Its beginning and evolution
  • What are its benefits and how can it be leveraged in many industries but promarily finance and payments.

Business Outcomes

Initiatives to introduce blockchain in some processes within the organization. Educating emplyees about blockchain to be ready for the trends ahead in the finance and payment industry and how they can be leveraged. Set an innovation based culture that sees ahead the changes and create opportunities out of them.
