How to Deal With Negative or Angry People (Communication Skills)

How to Deal With Negative or Angry People (Communication Skills)

Updated Jan 07, 2021

An aggressive communication style is characterized by high emotion, low empathy, and a focus on "winning" the argument at any cost. It's a style of communication that is favored by narcissists and bullies, but it can show up in conversations anywhere. You might hear aggressive communication from parents, friends, co-workers, romantic partners—or you might even use it yourself.

When a person uses aggressive communication, the rights of others are not even allowed to surface. When this happens, others feel victimized and relationships suffer. In that way, relationship aggression is bad for the aggressors as well as the recipients of the aggression.

Aggressiveness is a mode of communication and behavior where one expresses their feelings, needs, and rights without regard or respect for the needs, rights, and feelings of others.
