Environmental Responsibility Part 1 (US) - Environmental and Waste Management

Environmental Responsibility Part 1 (US) - Environmental and Waste Management

Part 1 of this 3-part series outlines the US environmental issues and the concept of environmental management systems.

UL Puresafety
Updated Oct 03, 2019

What if your company mishandled hazardous wastes or dangerous chemicals, leading to environmental damage and worker injury? The implications for the company, your job, or even your life, would be enormous. The purpose of this 3-part series is to help you work in an environmentally responsible manner and in compliance with all applicable environmental laws and regulations. Part 1 outlines environmental goals, the purpose of environmental management systems, environmental issues such as hazardous waste and stormwater, and management practices when dealing with industrial waste. The ideal learner is anyone who must comply with environmental regulations on the job.
