Developing Future Global Leaders

Developing Future Global Leaders

Sarder Learning
Updated Jul 24, 2019

Course Introduction

Globalization is the buzzword of the decade. Increasingly, businesses are keen to grow globally and operate on an international scale. John Bowen, Director of Global Partnerships at Computer Aid and an experienced global management consultant, discusses the benefits and the pitfalls of expanding globally.

In this course, you will learn about general skills necessary for business, and specific skills and knowledge people working in international business should possess. Bowen will talk about critical knowledge needed to successfully operate internationally, including an understanding of international economics, business practices, economics, accounting and finance. You will learn why one should have basic knowledge of the country one is operating in, including an understanding of local history, ethnic diversity, local language, concepts of time and important cultural issues such as how to greet people and how to dress. You will also learn why it is important for international business leaders to possess strength of character and integrity, and have people around them who can advise them on matters like international economics, government treaties and free trade agreements.

Who Should Attend

  • Entrepreneurs Entering Global Market
  • International Business Students
  • Managers And Team Leaders From International Companies
  • Expats Working Outside The Country Of Their Origin

Course Methodology

This self-paced e-learning course is based on an exclusive interview with John Bowen, Director of Global Partnerships, and a Management Consultant.

Learning Objectives

  • General skills required for success in international business
  • The importance of language and culture in international business
  • Understanding international business practices and associated rewards
  • Driving global business growth
  • Leading during crisis

Course Modules

  • Preparing For Global Leadership
  • Business Growth and Rewards
  • Crisis Management