Change Management - How Do Managers Deal With Change?

Change Management - How Do Managers Deal With Change?

Change management is the process of designing and implementing change. Most leaders are responsible for some change ...

Updated Jun 21, 2019

Change management is the process of designing and implementing change. Most leaders are responsible for some degree of change management. In addition, as indicated in the introduction, organizational development (OD) is a specialized field that focuses on how to design and manage change.

There are numerous models of change available to managers, and it can be difficult to discern the differences between them when creating a planned change process. Many approaches and methodologies for developing organizations and managing change have been developed and practiced during the last century.

Indeed, it can be daunting and confusing to sort through and understand which models are most appropriate and relevant for a particular situation. Every model of change has its strengths and its limitations, and it is important to understand what these may be. The type of change methodology used in a particular situation should be matched to the needs of that situation.

It may be helpful to use several questions when deciding on the appropriate approach to use in a planned change process.
