Alternate Investments

Alternate Investments

Sarder Learning
Updated Aug 19, 2019

Course Introduction

There has been a robust growth in the hedge fund industry in recent years. Bailey McCann, author and senior news editor for Opalesque, talks about alternate investments and demystifies the concepts of value investing and hedge funds.

In this course, McCann talks about how to be a successful value investor, the different investment structures in hedge funds, and why it is important to be knowledgeable about them as an investor. She discusses the advantages and disadvantages of hedge funds and how they are different from mutual funds. McCann talks about strategies used in hedge funding and the importance of doing due diligence as an investor, including looking at the operational aspects of service providers and their reputations in the marketplace. She also talks about the relationship of technology to investing, including thin technologies and robo advisory.

Who Should Attend

  • Finance Professionals
  • Hedge Fund Managers
  • Accountants
  • Executives
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Investors

Course Methodology

This self-paced e-learning course is based on an exclusive interview with Bailey McCann, senior news editor for Opalesque.

Learning Objectives

  • Pros and cons of value investing
  • Importance of investment structures
  • Hedge fund strategies
  • Regulatory changes in the hedge fund industry
  • Best ways to research service providers
  • Technology enablement: Robotic advisors

Course Modules

  • Understanding Alternatives
  • Decoding Hedge Fund Investments
  • The Black Swan Effect