Configure the Go1 Player

The Go1 Player is a UI frame that displays around Go1 content. Some elements in the Go1 Player include; the header bar for the content title and a sidebar for the content description. By default, all Go1 content is launched and played using the Go1 Player.

The Go1 Player is launched via the following URL schema: https://[portal-domain]/play/{LOID}.
When launching content using the Go1 Player, it is possible to add additional properties to this URL, in order to customise how the Go1 Player displays or interacts. For example, to minimise the Go1 Player sidebar, you could add 'sidebar=minimised' like this: https://[portal-domain]/play/{LOID}?sidebar=minimised.

The following configuration options are available for the Go1 Player:

recommendations=1 or recommendations=0
1 - recommended content items are displayed in a completion popup when a user completes a learning item (default).
0 - recommended content items are not displayed in a completion popup when a user completes a learning item.

title=1 or title=0
1 - the title of the learning item is displayed on the desktop (default).
0 - the title of the learning item is not displayed on the desktop.

Header (experimental)
header=1 or header=0
1 - learning item header bar is displayed on desktop (default).
0 - learning item header bar is not displayed on the desktop.

Side bar
sidebar=open or sidebar=collapsed or sidebar=closed
open: expand 1player sidebar to display course outline by default, users can still drag closed.
collapsed: collapse 1player sidebar to only show progress by default, users can still drag open.
closed: completely close 1player sidebar with handle visible by default, users can still drag open.

Bottom drawer
bottomDrawer=open or bottomDrawer=collapsed or bottomDrawer=closed
open: expand 1player bottom drawer to 1/3 screen height by default, users can still drag closed.
collapsed: collapse 1player bottom drawer so it only displays action buttons by default, users can still drag closed.
closed: completely close 1player bottom draw with handle visible by default, users can still drag open.

overview=1 or overview=0
1 - Overview of learning item displayed in bottom drawer.
0 - Overview learning item not displayed in bottom drawer.

Auto-play (experimental)
autoPlay=1 or autoPlay=0
1 - auto-play content upon opening, currently only available for 'video', 'document', and 'interactive' learning items.
0 - do not auto-play content upon opening, the user is required to press the start button (default).

restart=1 or restart=0
1 - re-enroll into a new enrolment so that the content starts from the beginning. This will remove current progression, so ensure the user understands before redirecting to a Go1 Player with this set.
0 - do not re-enroll, use the existing enrolment or a new enrolment if the user is playing the content for the first time (default).

exit=1 or exit=0
1 - exit button in the top left of the header bar is visible (default).
0 - exit button in the top left of the header bar is removed.

Exit Action
exitAction=1 or exitAction=2 or exitAction=3
1 - removes the 'X' button from the Go1 Player, the user must close the window or tab to leave the player.
2 - go to an 'exitURL' upon clicking the exit button in the Go1 player, must include the 'exitURL' property.
3 - go back to the previous page in Go1 upon clicking the exit button in the Go1 player (default).

Exit URL
user is redirected to this URL when they click the exit button in the Go1 player, must add 'exitAction=2' property.

Note: when providing a URL to redirect to after a user has exited the Go1 player, the URL and query parameters must be encoded in the request to generate the Go1 player, so that the variables can be passed to the next page.

To create the url with the redirect upon exit, you need to:

  1. Encode the exitUrl value, ( >>
  2. Add the query parameters, (/play/11822863?exitAction=2&exitUrl= +
  3. Encode everything to the right of redirectUrl= (
  4. Append that to the query path (
  5. Send that request to the API.

If you don't encode these parameters, then the URL redirecting to will auto-resolve and navigate the user to the Dashboard within the Go1 portal for that user.